Friday, May 29, 2009

Paris - Easter 2009


Little overdue but we managed to get five days in Paris over Easter.

Initial plans were for four days but I managed to make a mistake and book the train back a day later than planned and we only found out on the day we were expecting to leave.

Despite having to call the boss and explain which took some of the shine off the last day we had a great time.

We managed to check out all the usual touristy places - The Louvre / Mona Lisa, Champs Elysses, Eiffel Tower, Notre Dam, Sacre Cur, Mont Marte and Versailles. All this involved a fair amount of walking which caught us out a little having packed only jeans not expecting the bonus few degrees coming from the relative cold of London!

Highlights this trip were Versailles where we enjoyed walking in the gardens of the castle and the fresh food after months of deep fried english junk.

We stayed away from the snails and frogs this time, and managed to avoid ordering beef tartare at the last minute, maybe next time?

Photos can be found on the usual link to our Picasa album.


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